
Exercise of the month (01/2006)

Surya Namaskar - Yoga (intermediate)
(General Stretch)

1- Stand erect with feet together and palms in the prayer position in front of your chest. Make sure your weight is evenly distributed. Exhale.
Inhaling, stretch your arms up and arch back from the waist, pushing the hips out, legs straight. Relax your neck.
Exhaling, fold forward, and press your palms down, fingertips in line with toes - bend your knees if necessary.
4- Inhaling, bring the right (or left) leg back and place the knee on the floor. Arch back and look up, lifting your chin.
5- Retaining the breath, bring the other leg back and support your weight on hands and toes. Keep your head and body in line and look at the floor between your hands.
6- Exhaling, lower your knees, then your chest and then your forehead, keeping your hips up and toes curled under.
7- Inhaling, lower your hips, point your toes and bend back. Keep legs together and shoulders down. Look up and back.
8- Exhaling, curl your toes under, raise your hips and pivot into an inverted "V" shape. Try to push your heels and head down keep your shoulders back.
9- Inhaling, step forward and place the right (or left) foot between your hands. Rest the other knee on the floor and look up, as in position 4.
10- Exhaling, bring the other leg forward and bend down from the waist keeping your palms as in position 3.
11- Inhaling, stretch your arms forward, then up and back over your head and bend back slowly from the waist, as in position 2.
12- Exhaling, gently come back to an upright position and bring your arms down by your side.

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By Sylvain Lemaire - All rights to Physigraphe